There’s no doubt that insulation is perhaps the single most important product that will determine the energy costs of your residence. Therefore it’s extremely important to determine the right type of insulation to use. There are many types of insulation in the market that can be very easily obtained. Each type has its advantages and […]

I experienced it twice this month. A hardworking homeowner wants to do work in his house, and, as the first step, hires a contractor, rather than an architect –please refer to my “10 STEPS TO CONSTRUCTION” article from March 10. That’s where the problems started. After being influenced by his charm, the homeowner goes along […]

Recently I was asked to observe the existing conditions of an almost completed apartment building. To my surprise I noticed the existence of mold in one apartment, condition that needs to be taken care of immediately. Molds are fungi that can be found anywhere, indoors or outdoors. It’s often found in damp, dark, hidden spaces, […]

Which fire extinguisher is right for you? The first thing to understand is that there are different types of fires, and not all extinguishers are good for all uses. If your concern is dealing with a fire where the items to be contained are ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood, cardboard, and most plastics, […]

After dealing with many clients who seemed to be completely unaware of what’s involved when doing new construction in the house, I came up with the following list to clarify their standing. Hopefully it will help all of you out there as well. 10 STEPS TO NEW CONSTRUCTION / RENOVATION 1- BUILDING […]

As many of us have recently experienced, storms and flood issues definitely have to be taken seriously. It is a fact that global warming is affecting water levels, hence increasing the chances of low or coastal areas to become prone to flooding. Could flooding be prevented? Well, I don’t think so, but certainly there are […]

Are you familiar with SICK BUILDING SYNDROME (SBS)? It refers to combination of physical problems that a significant amount of occupants (20%) may experience at any building (usually a working place), for a period of 2 weeks, mostly caused by poor indoor air quality (IAQ). Flaws in HVAC systems, use of improper air filtration, as well […]

A very exciting –to say the least- mixed use luxury building is on the verge of being constructed in Jakarta, Indonesia. The project, designed by the dutch firm MVRDV along with other consultants, combines an 8 storey commercial podium at the base, with a mix of apartments, hotels and offices, as well as shops, cinemas, […]

Ever since hurricane Sandy made its presence in our area, I’ve been receiving numerous calls from homeowners, and seen lots of flooded houses that were affected by it. Many of them ask me for my opinion, and after offering it (initially for free) they tell me “well, my contractor said this, or told me to […]

Proposed 8 story – 65 apartment mixed-use building (by Delargent Design Architecture, PC) Delargent Design’s latest project, a building named “Solares del Sur” for its location in a mainly Spanish speaking neighborhood, is the answer to affordable housing badly needed throughout New York City. It consists of 65 apartments, and 3 retail stores. Conceived to comply with […]